
Burj Al-Arab

Appearing to rise straight out of the sea and billow in the wind the Burj al Arab or “Arabian Tower” stands as the tallest hotel in the world at over 1,000 feet tall. Built on a manmade island 1,300 feet from the shore so as not to cast a shadow on the beach it stands in stark contrast to the homes that line the beachfront. The steel and concrete structure clad in glass and white aluminum panels can be seen from miles away.

Pages: 8
Pages: 47
Tulsequah Heliskiing

The joy of Heliskiing

Pages: 16
Travel At Your Level

De folder van Travel At Your Level.

Pages: 4

IN THE SADDLE BOOK OF WORLD RIDES 2011 Worldwide: Africa Asia Australasia Europe Latin America Nord America

Pages: 141
Pages: 48